Post your questions for Dr. Lorie to answer or ask for second opinion!
Live well~~
See new video on Mercury Amalgam revision precautions--share with loved ones and "Like" us on FB please! Post your questions for Dr. Lorie to answer or ask for second opinion! Live well~~
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Does your tongue tell on you?? Did you know your tongue says alot about you!!??? Dehydration, vitamin defficiency, poor digestion, yeast infection, Liver/ gallbaldder/spleen issues show up on your tongue oftern before anywhere else! What does your tongue say about you?? We can help!! Post your questions and picture of your tattle-tale tongue below for Dr. Lorie. Let's see what it says about you!! Live well~~ The 2013 Holistic Dental Association meeting took place april 17-20 in Washington DC and was a great success. A splendid mix of scientific research, clinincal practice, and technical presentations were balanced wtih information on emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects of giving and receiving dental care. As a new board memeber of the HDA, I look forward to surrounding myself with the brightest and best of Holistic Health practitioners. I will begin to host webinars to continue the interaction and instruction of our members and guests via the internet to keep the flow of knowledge, care and skill improving even until the next annual meeting which will be in Texas, 2014. Go HDA!! L-)) Yeah!!! NO BPA's in our composite materials or bonding agents!! BPA's are plastic materials found in food can linings, plastic utensils, beverage containers, etc., and are linked to health issues such as Breast Cancer, Thyroid dysfunction, Developmental Disorders as well as Diabestes and Heart Disease. Research shows BPA's in saliva and urine after people have composite (tooth colored) fillings(1). Our composite materials and bonding agents are BPA free!! This means your children CAN get sealants without being exposed to BPA's! And, you can rest easy after having new or replacement fillings! Live well~~ Dr. Lorie (1) The casue of grinding (bruxism), in my opinion is a reaction to processed foods and chemicals. The undigested foods causes the miriad of allergy-type symptoms so many children (and adults) have today. This response in Chinese Medicine is called being too "wet"-- the tissues weep and swell and cause airway obstruction leading to grinding. Only 20% of grinders make any noise-- so you might not hear your child grind her teeth. But, grinding at night or even just clnching in the day can make the teeth SUPER sore and extremely sensitive to touch/pressure. Nutrition changes can prevent the cycle of crowded teeth, dental arch malformation, tongue thrust, dental decay, grinding, TMJ and the ill effects they hasve on overall health. Grains are one of the most offensive food to the GI tract and digestion. Throughout history people have fermented grains for at least two weeks. But they are no longer prepared in such a way and most are genetically modified which is offensive to the digestion. These undigested proteins are teh leading cause of "Leaky Gut Syndrome"- a major allergy producing condition. When alleries occur, the gut and immune system are overwhelmed, causing the "wet" tissue response. The grinding casues a stress response-clinching/grinding- that allows more air into the windpipe as the muscles of the throat tighten due to the facial muscles squeezing the teeth together. Unfortunately, it wears the teeth causing TMJ Symdrome, wear and breakage, etc. The harmful affects of airway obstruction are crowded teeth, boney arch malformation, and when severe, even heart attack and stroke. More on our webinar tomrrow night! Let me know you are interested; I will send you an invitation so you can take advantage of the savings with DISCOUNT COUPONS! Live Well~ Dr. Lorie The mouth is the window to the body! Holistic dentistry looks at the mouth as a part of the whole body! The mouth affects the body and mind...and the mind/body surely affect the mouth, teeth, and gums! Some factors that affect the health of the mouth and body and that we address in our practice are: Diet including water intake, vitamin, mineral, and herb content, pH, fat, protein, and carbohydrate content, chemical content including nicotine, caffeine, additives, etc. which cross over to affect decay, gums, grinding, wear, breathing, tongue coating and congestion, and organ function. Vitamin/nutrient defficiency is as harmful as chemical toxicity! Exercise as it affects sleep patterns, hormone release, grinding, wear, breathing, tongue position, movements and congestion, organ function, cell function, metabolism and more! Medications which affect so many aspects of the mouth and body from dehydration to grinding.... one example is that certain drugs cause people to increase grinding pressure up to 2000 psi (pounds per square inch)...teeth are only designed to withstand 50 psi! Another example is that high blood pressure medicines create magnesium defficiency....and magnesium difficiency causes... HIGH blood pressure! Malocculsion (or bite maladies) have a huge affect on and are caused by nutrtion among other factors! Uncontaminated food sources allowed full genetic potential which produces full round arches of beautiful, white teeth. With the addition of processed foods, food additives, and unnatural additions to our diets, we began downward spiral in genetic expression which includes crowded teeth with the tendancy toward dental disease. We can restore arch form and create the best situation for our children's full expression of their genetic potential so they and their children can lead healthier, fuller lives based on correcting the issues we know adversely affect the mouth and in turn adversely affect the health and form of the mouth, mind, and body! Please feel free to ask questions and let me know what topics you would like to hear about! Live Well~ Dr. Lorie |
Dr. Lorie Miller Stevens is a dental hygienist turned holistic dentist with a passion for using dentistry to help people be their best Archives
November 2015