This response in Chinese Medicine is called being too "wet"-- the tissues weep and swell and cause airway obstruction leading to grinding. Only 20% of grinders make any noise-- so you might not hear your child grind her teeth. But, grinding at night or even just clnching in the day can make the teeth SUPER sore and extremely sensitive to touch/pressure.
Nutrition changes can prevent the cycle of crowded teeth, dental arch malformation, tongue thrust, dental decay, grinding, TMJ and the ill effects they hasve on overall health. Grains are one of the most offensive food to the GI tract and digestion. Throughout history people have fermented grains for at least two weeks. But they are no longer prepared in such a way and most are genetically modified which is offensive to the digestion. These undigested proteins are teh leading cause of "Leaky Gut Syndrome"- a major allergy producing condition.
When alleries occur, the gut and immune system are overwhelmed, causing the "wet" tissue response. The grinding casues a stress response-clinching/grinding- that allows more air into the windpipe as the muscles of the throat tighten due to the facial muscles squeezing the teeth together. Unfortunately, it wears the teeth causing TMJ Symdrome, wear and breakage, etc. The harmful affects of airway obstruction are crowded teeth, boney arch malformation, and when severe, even heart attack and stroke.
More on our webinar tomrrow night! Let me know you are interested; I will send you an invitation so you can take advantage of the savings with DISCOUNT COUPONS!
Live Well~
Dr. Lorie